The Best Types of Braces for Adults

If you’re an adult who is considering braces for the first time, you’ve come to the right place! At Raleigh Orthodontics, we frequently treat adults who want or need braces and are trying to figure out the best fit for them. Back in the day, there was mostly only one option–metal braces. Nowadays, there might seem like there are too many options and it gets confusing! That’s what we are here for at Raleigh Orthodontics!

Let our team of professionals, including Dr. Grossman, help you determine your best possible treatment option. We will consult with you regarding your unique needs along with your preferences and lifestyle to help you find the treatment that works for you. We are ready to get started when you are! 

First, let’s walk through a few of the reasons why adults might want braces and our most popular treatment options!

Reasons Why Adults Might Need Braces

Brighter Smiles

If you have been putting off braces for years, but have secretly been wanting a straighter, brighter smile, then you are not alone. Many adults tell us that they wait for many years until what they thought was the “right time” to get started. But truthfully, there’s no better time than now to get the smile that you’ve been dreaming of! 

You might think it’s selfish or insecure to prioritize your smile, but we are here to tell you that straight smiles are healthy smiles and will set you up for success as you age! It’s true! It’s not selfish to want to look your best while also taking care of your health. If you need even more reasons, feel free to schedule a free consultation appointment at one of our offices in Raleigh, Louisburg, Creedmoor-Butner, or Wakefield!

Resolving an Injury or Issue

If you had braces in the past or already had fairly straight and aligned teeth that suddenly went awry due to a facial injury or missing tooth, then we are here to help. This is a common complaint among adults, and you aren’t alone. Things can change with your oral health as you age which makes it essential to get braces now even if you didn’t need or want them in the past. 

Fixing a Bite Problem

Having a problem with your jaw and bite due to genetics or facial injury can have a huge impact on your life. From TMJ pain to issues with breathing, chewing, speaking, and more, it’s important to address jaw problems as soon as possible to keep them from getting worse. Depending on the issues–like overbite, underbite, crossbite, open bite, or crowded jaw, there will be different approaches. Often, braces are necessary to use their strong shifting power to create a healthier smile. 

Just Because You Want To!

Another perfectly good reason to get braces is because you want to! The investment is yours to make, and it will be your smile that will thank you! We fully support our adult patients in choosing what is best for them and discovering the smile of their dreams along the way!

Ranking Our Top Orthodontic Treatments for Adults

3. Metal Braces

Our lowest-ranked option for adults is metal braces. This is for a few reasons, but mostly for cosmetic appearances. Metal braces are super effective at shifting teeth and jaws and pair well with other devices like palatal expanders. But they are quite flashy and bright, and many adults prefer something more subtle for their treatment. 

When it comes to cost, metal braces can’t be beaten and are often the least expensive option. When it all comes together, if you end up opting for metal braces for your treatment, you will almost certainly have a great experience regardless of the metallic smile!

2. Invisalign Retainers

Invisalign retainers rank #2 because they aren’t technically braces, though they are an orthodontic treatment that many patients love. Retainers don’t have the full amount of strength and shifting power that braces do, so they are better for patients who have a medium to mild case and won’t need special interventions. If you fit the criteria for retainers, then you will probably love them as they are our most discreet and convenient option! They pop in and out at your convenience, making eating and brushing a breeze. And they are nearly invisible when being worn! 

1. Clear Braces 

Clear braces are our #1 choice for braces for adults for a few reasons. These braces are incredibly effective at shifting teeth and jaws, even in the most challenging cases. All the while, they are super discreet and nearly invisible! Because they are made out of tooth-colored ceramic, they blend in perfectly with your smile. 

Ceramic braces are an amazing choice for adults who need braces and want them to look great throughout treatment. But they aren’t perfect for everyone–ceramic is slightly easier to break than metal, and they are also slightly more expensive. We like to offer these as the best braces option for adults, but we have patients who use all of these different treatments and have a great experience! Whatever works best for you is the best treatment out there!

The Best Types of Braces for Adults

Find Your Best Smile at Raleigh Orthodontics

If you are an adult searching for orthodontic options, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! We are available for free consultation appointments now, and are happy to welcome new patients to our office! Give us a call and we look forward to getting to know you and helping you find your most stunning smile!